Uncommon, But Useful Items To Pack In Your Gym Bag This Year.
Kareen Herbert Kareen Herbert

Uncommon, But Useful Items To Pack In Your Gym Bag This Year.

This blog takes a look at some of the more unusual items that you might find helpful at the gym, that might be missing from your current kit bag. Do you find your towel always ends up on the floor in the shower, are you looking for more youthful skin or are you hoping for fresher gym clothing that lasts longer, I have some hints and tips here.

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Feel Comfortable At The Gym, Part 2
Kareen Herbert Kareen Herbert

Feel Comfortable At The Gym, Part 2

Have a plan for your workout before you leave the house to go to the gym, think of this as an integral part of your gym kit, make this as important as packing your towel or trainers! (I’m sure you wouldn't want to forget those!) If you plan to workout for a long or a short session it is often helpful to have something to follow along with, this will guide you and you will be more likely to stay on track if you have a plan for each session.

There will be less opportunity to get bored during your workout, or feel uninspired which could lead to a temptation to leave the gym, before you’ve had a chance to burn off any calories. You can track your exercises with the help of a good old pen and piece of paper or you can choose to download one of the many available apps on your phone. This will help you note down where you are at with your session and your overall progress as you continue your fitness journey.

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Brighton Fitness Festival July 13th 2024
Kareen Herbert Kareen Herbert

Brighton Fitness Festival July 13th 2024

On a bright day sandwiched between some somber summer weather, the sun beat down on fitness fanatics and intrigued onlookers as The Brighton Fitness Festival took place on the Hove Lawns. Positioned just a little outside of Brighton’s city center, stages set alongside seaside vistas, attendees enjoyed a whole day of fitness and wellness activities presented by companies that operate within the local area. Plenty of classes and challenges were available to take part in, as well as recovery solutions. There were also local food vendors to keep attendees fueled for a fun day.

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Feel Comfortable At The Gym
Kareen Herbert Kareen Herbert

Feel Comfortable At The Gym

Self conscious, gym beginners?

Have you ever put off going to the gym because you don't feel comfortable?

Have you ever felt that you don't look good enough for the gym and that all those regular gym goers are just so fit and trendy, that they are definitely going to judge you! Or maybe you get to the gym and you feel that your clothes just aren't sitting quite right today and it’s distracting you from your workout. You feel self conscious generally or just down right frumpy! Because you've been away from the gym for what feels like a lifetime. Maybe you've never set foot in a gym in your entire life and you're absolutely dreading it!

I had these fears on my return to the gym, after being away from exercising in this environment for over three years. When the pandemic hit, we were tasked with hiding indoors. I had enjoyed being outdoors as much as the regulations allowed, but somewhere amidst the life changes I was experiencing, a job loss, a divorce and a relocation. Exercise had started to take a back seat and getting back in a gym, just didn't seem to have the same appeal, as it used to. It certainly wasn't on top of my to do list!. However, previously to Covid-19 and the Pandemic, I was a regular at my local community based sports center, I often attended most days, alongside people of all fitness levels and ages. I would regularly take part in group exercise classes where I always felt welcomed by staff and the comfort of familiar faces. So I wondered what had changed in this time? Why did it now seem so scary to get back to a gym environment?

So how can we feel more confident in a gym setting?

The way I was feeling about returning to the gym was completely valid, and my concerns are extremely common. So let's look at how we can begin to combat them from a space of comfort. What could ease these potential racing thoughts and worries? If we are overly concerned with what others think about us, we need to focus our attention inwards and onto ourselves. How can we feel good when we arrive at the gym? Here are some things that may help us feel at ease whether you are a returning gym bunny or a complete beginner to a gym environment.

Clothing choices, be you, always! Be comfortable.

Wearing what you feel most comfortable to the gym will massively improve how you feel about being in a gym environment, yes, yes I know what you're thinking, people will be staring at me, and my jiggly bits. Or maybe you are just hyper aware of a particular part of your body that's not your favorite, we all have one or two right?!

Don't worry, if you feel better with loose fitting clothing, covering up those lumpy bumpy bits, because they are after all temporary, they won't be around for too long, now that you have embarked on your fitness journey. If baggy bottoms and an oversized T-shirt is your go to, well that is absolutely fine. Pay no mind to all the scantily dressed influencers out there! If you feel better covered up, don’t worry too much about what's trendy, wear whatever makes you comfortable, feel good within yourself, so you can feel good while you work out.

Wearing your favorite clothing to the gym might include choosing coloured items, or a piece of clothing that's patterned. Maybe wearing your most comfortable or soft fabrics help you to feel more relaxed. These small changes can improve your overall mood and also bring a little bit of fun and joy to your workout. Our clothes help us paint a picture of who we are to others. We often spend a lot of time in our daily lives to choose our clothes, so you can also use the gym as a way to express yourself with your gym kit, don't be shy.

Along with clothes that are the most comfortable in terms of how confident you feel whilst you wear them. Looking for clothing that is functional for the gym, will help us feel comfortable when the effects of the workout kick in. Looking for sweat wicking fabrics that will help you stay dry and cool while you sweat. Overheating at the gym can be extremely uncomfortable, so choosing items made especially for working out will serve you best and make you feel more regulated.

Also wearing less clothing could be an option, just as we had mentioned previously covering up to feel comfortable, maybe if your climate is hot you may feel most comfortable wearing shorts or perhaps a crop top to the gym. Be confident in your clothing choices no matter what your size or shape, you have just as much right to show off skin as you do cover it up. Just because you maybe haven't quite got that six pack yet, I know you're working extra hard on it. Don't let that put you off wearing that sports bra leggings combo. Many of the well known sports brands now offer a range of specialist items available for all sizes, which makes working out comfortable for all body shapes.

These sweat wicking fabrics also extend to clothing items you might not instantly consider, an example is what you wear on your feet. Wearing the correct socks could be very beneficial to keep you comfortable whilst working out, keeping our feet dry and blister free and perfect for those HIgh Intensity Interval workout classes.

Stable from the ground up

Shoes can also make you feel comfortable inside and outside of the gym, they are there to keep us stable and protect us from the impact of exercising. If you are running, investing in a good pair of running shoes might give you a boost to get up and go out for your run or get on the treadmill. Keep in mind that your feet will expand slightly when you exercise, so getting the correct footwear will help you feel great for all your workouts. You may consider getting your shoes fitted at a specialist store. This can have great benefits, they can check your running style and gait and can make sure your shoes fit your feet so you can avoid getting blisters or damaged toenails. If you are planning on doing more resistance training or performing more functional movements in the gym, a flatter, more stable shoe would suit you better, especially if you are feeling wobbly in your squats or lunges. A flat training shoe should help you feel in contact with the floor more, in comparison with a highly cushioned running shoe.

Protective pieces

Accessories such as gloves or sweat bands can aid in an extra layer of comfort in the gym. If you are brand new to resistance training you may find the equipment hard on your hands, so wearing gloves can give protection from damaging your skin or causing calluses. Or you may choose to wear sweatbands on your wrists or arm to keep sweat from reaching your hands.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

A study in the Journal Health Psychology found that women returning to the gym and beginners are very intimidated by having to look at themselves in mirrors while they workout. Generally mirrors in the gym are there so you can check your form and to make sure that you are performing each exercise correctly. But they can have a detrimental effect when we are distracted by thoughts of our bodies and our clothing choices. This will divert our thinking and energy away from our workout routine.

While you become accustomed to your new gym environment, and to avoid these temporary feelings of self judgment the mirror may not be your best friend. Your confidence will soon improve. You might even be checking yourself out in the mirror and seeing all of your hard work paying off.

Finally Focusing on your Workout

If you are a beginner at the gym it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the other people that are also in the gym, try not to worry about what they are doing, because they are most likely not paying attention to you, at least not in any bad way! They are most likely to be focused on what they are doing.

Try to keep your attention inwards, be very responsive to how you feel during your workout, be conscious about each movement that you make. If you are just learning the movements make sure that you focus on getting the correct form.

Be inspired by others in the gym, you can achieve anything you wish, you may be taking inspiration from others around you, maybe you hope to one day lift that crazy looking barbell you see someone else lifting. You will get there if you have a plan and stay consistent. It just takes time and practice.

Overall most of the uncomfortable feelings that arise in the gym are temporary, if we are able to work through them to obtain something you truly care about in the future, it's worth pushing through.

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